Why GOV - 2305?

Political influences (if any)
I do not consider myself having any political influences. I am grouped as a disaffected democrat after I completed the political ideology quiz.

Your political experiences (voting, working on a campaign, and so forth)
I do not have much political experiences, except I went voting twice in Viet Nam. It is slightly complicated for me to get involved to politics which is a sensitive topic in my country.

Why are you taking the class? What do you hope to get out of the class? What would you like to learn in the class?
From my experiences and observations while working and traveling around the world, I have gained some interests in different types of governments and how people in those country feel and react about their government. I have moved to the US since Summer 2017 for my second degree, US government is a required class. However, besides my wish to gain a certain knowledge and understanding about the US government, I want to learn what are differences and benefits of having more than one party running the government. What is the election process in the US? What are specific roles of 3 branches (executive, legislative, and judicial)? Do Americans really practice Human Rights and Free of Speech Rights properly? Even though under constitutional laws, states are allowed to create, implement, and enforce their own laws in additional to federal laws, what if the whole country was run by only centrally federal government? Why can't the US government support on health care system like those countries in Europe or in Asia? My questions are still on and on. I hope to find some answers after attending this GOV 2305 class. I have no intention to involve in politics after class with the same reason stated on the second part in this post.
